
In the 4th year of being a student of university, I had a senior project which was about a text mining. I had to create a system that could predict an emotion from texts. Texts were from social media, such as, Twitter. So, I thought python would be a proper language for this kind of work because there were a lot of libraries to use in this field. I also had to concern how to deal with a lot of data which flew to my service. Spark might be a good option to deal with this issue. However, I had not much time to study to create service using python. Fortunately, I had found one framework that easy to implement. It’s called ‘flask’.

Although, flask is easy to implement. It’s not good for using in production. If you want to go for product, It would be better if you deploy with web service, such as, Apache, Nginx. I already had Apache so I went for Apache.

For location for the files, It shouldn’t be in home(Linux) because it might have a problem about a permission in Apache

Let’s get start

  1. Get a python 2

    For this instruction, I prefer python 2 because python 3 might have a problem with spark. For windows, you can get via this link. For Linux, you can use theses commands

    • Ubuntu

      sudo apt-get install python

    • Arch Linux

      sudo pacman -s python2

  2. Install package with pip

    pip install flask

  3. Create some service with spark

    • Create file people.json
       {"name": "Jame"}
       {"name": "John"}
    • Create file hello.py
       from flask import Flask
       from pyspark.sql import *
       app = Flask(__name__)
       spark = SparkSession \
           .builder \
           .appName("Example") \
       def hello_world():
         return 'Hello, World!'
       def hello_john():
         df = spark.read.json('./people.json')
         name = df.where(df.name == 'John').select(df.name).collect()[0].asDict()['name']
         return 'Hello, ' + name + '!'
       def hello_jame():
         df = spark.read.json('./people.json')
         name = df.where(df.name == 'Jame').select(df.name).collect()[0].asDict()['name']
         return 'Hello, ' + name + '!'
       if __name__ == "__main__":
    • You can edit port at app.run()

      Test this service by using command python hello.py it will show that service is running on port 3000

  4. Install Apache
    • Ubuntu

      sudo apt-get apche2

    • Arch Linux

      sudo pacman -S Apache

    You can test by open a browser an go to http://localhost. It will show Apache’s homepage

  5. Install Spark

    Download pre-built version from official website and place somewhere

Let’s connect flask to Apache

Before you can connect to Apache, You have to install mod_wsgi. This thing will make flask can connect to Apache.

  1. Install mod_wsgi

    How to intall

  2. Create hello.wsgi file in your project’s directory and config like this
     import sys
     import os
     sys.path.insert(0, path_to_your_directory)
     os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = path_to_spark
     from your_flask_application import app as application
  3. Open httpd.conf in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add following this line
     <VirtualHost *>
         ServerName localhost
         WSGIDaemonProcess your_application_name home=path_to_your_application user=your_user group=your_group threads=5
         WSGIScriptAlias / path_to_your_applicatio.wsgi
         <Directory path_to_your_application>
             WSGIProcessGroup your_application_name
             WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
             Order deny,allow
             Allow from all
    • if you have httpd 2.4, change
       Order deny,allow
       Allow from all


       Require all granted
  4. Open a browser an type http://localhost you will see hello world and you can test other routes that we’ve just created